Sunday, September 30, 2018

Errors and Uncertainties in physics experiments and measurement and their solutions?


The difference between standard and experimental values is error.
There are two types of errors:-
i)Systematic error
ii)Random error

i)Systematic error :-

  • ·         Also known as assignable error
  • ·         Usually follow same trend of variations


  • ·         Zero error in measuring instrument
  • ·         Poor calibration of instrument
  • ·         Incorrect calibration on the measuring instrument


Error occurring due to L.C of the measuring instrument


  • ·         By comparing the instrument with other instrument which is more accurate
  • ·         By carefully monitoring the measurement process

ii)Random error:-

  • ·         Also known as Un Assignable error
  • ·         Do not follow the same trend of variation


  • ·         Due to some unknown reasons
  • ·         Deviation in results


During measurement ,there are different  values of result of same measuring quntity.


  • ·         Cannot be controlled experimentally.
  • ·         By taking several reading of same measuring quantity  and then taking their mean value.


Uncertainty is the situation which involves imperfect  or unknown  information.
There are three kinds of uncertainties commonly known today.
I)Absolute uncertainty
ii)Fractional uncertainty
iii)Percentage uncertainty

i)Absolute Uncertainty:-

  • ·         Usually called absolute error

  • ·         Usually the range of values in which the” true value” lies.

  • ·         It is related to the least count of the measuring instrument.

  • ·         Has the same unit as that of the value.

Least Count of the some measuring instrument is given as;
i)                    L.C of Meter Rod is 0.1cm
ii)                   L.C of Vernier  caliper is 0.01cm
iii)                 L.C of Screw Gauge is 0.001cm


  • It is the minimum value that the device can measure.
  • A device with less precision is more precise
e.g :Screw Gauge has least precision ,so it is more precise device

ii)Fractional Uncertainty:-

  • ·         Also known as percentage uncertainty
  • ·         It is the ratio of L.C to the mean value or measured value
  • ·         It has no unit


Fractional Uncertainty= L.C/M.V

iii)Percentage Uncertainty:-

The percentage uncertainty can be interpreted as describing the uncertainty that would result if the measured value had been 100 units.
  • ·         It has no units
  • ·         It is the ratio of L.C to the mean value or measured value multiply by 100


Percentage Uncertainty= L.C/M.V * 100

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