History of Prim’s Algorithm
The algorithm was discovered in 1930 by mathematician vojtech jarnik and later independently by computer scientist Robert C. prim in 1957.
Definition of Prim’s Algorithm
- Prim’s algorithm is a greedy algorithm that finds a minimum spanning tree for a weighted in-directed graph.
- The algorithm continuously increases the size of a tree starting with a single vertex until it spans all the vertices.
- Graph must be connected and no cycle exists.
- It is similar to Dijkstra algorithm.
Pseudo code of Prim’s Algorithm
A= ø
for each v Є V
KEY[v] = ∞
PARENT = null
KEY[r] = 0
for each v Є Adj[u]:
While Q! ≠ ø
u= -MIN(Q) by KEY value
Q=Q -u
if PARANT(u) !=null:
A=AU(u , PARANT(u))
If v Є Q and W( u , v ) <
return A
Time Complexity of Prim's
Prim’s algorithm runs in O(V*V) = O(|V|2)
Applications of Prim’s Algorithm
- Connect all computers in a computer science building using least amount of cable.
- Another useful application of MST would be finding airline routes.
- The vertices of the graph would represent cities ,and the edges would represent routes between on the cities.
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