Monday, October 22, 2018

Define well engineered software and characteristics of well-engineered software product?

Well-Engineered Software and characteristics of well-engineered software product

·Provides the required functionality
Breakdown of Effort Cost - Software Cost Estimation by Capers Jones  Breakdown of Effort Cost - Software Cost Estimation by Capers Jones

Effort Breakdown

Project Management                 8.08%
Requirements                          14.43%
Design                                    11.36%
Coding                                    13.50%
SQA                                        30.64%
SCM                                       13.02%
Integration                              6.54%
Misc.                                      ~3%

Software Engineering Practices

Software product realization
Software project management
Software process management
Software quality assurance
Software configuration management

Software Engineering Practices
Software Engineering Practices
Software Engineering Framework
Common Process Framework